Saturday, May 23, 2009
Been to long!
Well I hope to have some thing later today or tomorrow.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Painting Dwarfs 101! Part 1.
Any questions place them in the comments for this post.
Friday, May 8, 2009
What Rules Do I use.
Well I was asked a good question!
The question was what rule set do I use? The answer is this ChipCo’s FR!3 (Fantasy Rules 3). A few years back I decided to make a jump into Fantasy gaming with all the hype about Warhammer, but could not see my self spending that kind of money. So I looked around the net and came up with 15mm as a cheaper way of getting into Fantasy gaming. So before I make this leap I need to find a rule set to use. I looked at a hole bunch before I settled on one. I also spent some money on rule sets. I can’t remember the first one I looked at, but it was not FR!. I can list some I have.
- For the masses (MJ12Games)
- Fantasy Rules 2,3, and TCE (ChipCo Games)
- Warrior Heroes (Two Hour Wargames)
- Armies of Arcane (Thane’s Games)
- Warhammer (GW)
- Demonworld (now defunct)
- Hordes of Heroes (kallistra)
- The Age of Might and Steel (15mm uk now has these rules)
This is my short list. There were others but none worth mention here. I know some might say I missed Hordes of the Things, but I did not peruse these rules, as I did not feel they were a good match for me.
The first I bought into was Demonworld, but soon realized I did not like the hex based system, and the high cost of the game. Next was some free downloads I found but none paned out. So I had a copy of Days of Knights from ChipCo games, and liked it, so I figured I would give there Fantasy rules a try. Yes they were a bit much in the price, but they were an all inclusive rule set. Once I had the rules there was nothing else to buy, but the miniatures, and game needs. This I very much liked about the rules set. Now I have continued my quest for the best rules set but keep coming back to FR!.
Every one has a different idea on what they want from a game and a rule set, so I have to say FR! Fits mine ware other rules fit others better. I will try a rules review some time but I am sure there are a number of people that have done so. A good Google search should get you what you need.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
A nasty comment!
Well Some one stated I should post a how I paint, how dare you. The way I paint is a trade secrete, that I can not share!!
OK I am kidding! The next mini I paint I will do a full write up form start to finish with photos.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Completed my first base of Dwarfs!

Sunday, May 3, 2009
First Photos of the Dwarfs

Saturday, May 2, 2009
Its alive, its alive!!! (my Laptop)
Well I am a linux guy and now to the phtos.