Sunday, June 21, 2009

Dwarf Comparison photos!

Well Here are some comparison photos of the minis I picked up. They are from
  • Black Raven Foundry
  • Splintered Light
  • Mirliton
I like all the minis I picked up, but will not be getting any more from SL in the Dwarf range, as they are more like 20mm. I will be using the one I picked up but no more. The minis look great just to big for me. I did get a sample from SL of 3 orcs and will be buying these when I re-do an orc army. Photos of these soon.
From Left to right: Splintered Light Hero, Black Raven Foundry Hero, Mirliton 2 heroes.

From Left to Right: 2 BRF hand weapons, and 2 Mir hand weapons. I think these 2 ranges work very well together. I will most use BRF as they are easer to get a cheaper for me in the US.

From Left to Right: SL mounted hero, Mirliton mounted, BRF mounted. The SL range is to large for my taste. I will use them but don't think I will get any more of them. The other 2 ranges work well togerther and love them.
BRF mounted on a sabor tooth tiger, I love this guy.

I hope you like these photos, and I will try and do some more soon.


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