Saturday, February 6, 2010

Whats going on at the Orky 15mm.

Well I have been jumping around a bit, as you know from my last post. I have picked up Mordheim once more and seeing it is still popular on the net I was very happy. So I have been working on a Skaven warband, as it was left over in the boxed set I still have. I then decided I wanted a new warband to fight them rats. I went through eBay and did not find any great deals there. Then I got an email from one of my groups that pointed me to Wargames and there is was a Viking sample set. I thought I could mix and match some of the left over human bitz from the Mordheim box to give the Vikings a fantasy feel. I ordered 3 sets of 8 men from WF for $24.00 US. They to over a week to get to me, as the owner was sick. I sent them an email to check on the order and it was quickly replied to. WF more than made up for the delay, and I would love to order more minis from them when the money is there. I have to say the price is right for these minis, and the quality is very good. For the scale they are 28mm, but not the heroic scale of GW, so they are a bit small. I have started to put some of them together with the fantasy bits, and I have to do a bit shaving down to make them fit right. But so far they are looking great. I will have some photos soon.

Then I really started to take a look at the game I am seeing more and more of Song of Blade, and heros or SBH. I picked up the first book SBH and found it to be different from any of the games I have rules for. It is a very simple rule set, with allot of potential. It dose require the supplements to make it a complete games system. The author is very quick to reply to questions on the yahoo group, and direct email. I am happy to have picked up this system, and will probably use this over the Mordheim rules. For the price of $5.00 it is well worth picking up the SBH rule book. I have plenty of minis to build warbands in ether 28mm, or 15mm. The game was made for 15mm but is scalable to any scale. The rule set dose not require you to use a ruler but 3 sticks of different sizes. These are used for range, and movement. A simple d6 game, with no book keeping should make for faster game play, and cut down on wasted time. This means more games in an evening of play.

Well I hope to have more soon.


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